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United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development


The Historical Security Council serves the objective of interviening when necessary in armed conflicts that threaten  global security through seeking alternatives through peaceful means of action. In this commission, delagates are tasked with proposing


The Official CCBMUN will be covering two topics, 'Implementation of  nuclear energy as a predominant energy source' and 'Stem cell research and its implications'

well thought out solutions to conflicts that have already taken place, with a more diplomatic course of action. 



Topic 1: Implementation of  nuclear energy as a predominant energy source

Topic 2: Stem cell research and its implications


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President: Santiago Castillo

School: Colegio Berchmans

President:  Laura Duque

School: Colegio Freinet

Welcome to this remarkable committee, we feel honored to have you. The United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development is a subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) ,and it was established in 1993. Apart from ensuring the accomplishment of the sustainable development goals, this organ is in charge of analyzing, studying and discussing issues and advances related to science, technology and development, ensuring that these represent a benefit for humanity and avoiding, of course, any damage they may cause.

In addition, it ensures an inclusive scientific and technological development, where attempts are made to propose strategies to strengthen the participation of developing countries and the establishment of aid guidelines when required.


We expect this model to be a wonderful opportunity for all of us to achieve both personal and academic skills, to develop a debate that involves all perspectives and realities in which content, strength, and well-founded arguments must be the main principles. We expect delegates to be well-enough prepared to accomplish propositional, controversial, pertinent and concrete interventions, and that each discussion is developed around achieving an objective and moving the debate forward. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.




Day 1

By: Mariana Orejuela

The United Nations Commission on Science and Technology (UNCSTD) as the first topic they discussed the Implementation of  nuclear energy as a predominant energy source. 


A topic they discussed was the huge accidents that have occurred because of the nuclear plants, like the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, because of a flawed reactor there was an exploitation and since then that location is out of reach for humans. Even if this disaster happened in Russia the delegate of Russia was  in favor of implementing nuclear energy as a predominant source.

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The delegate of France considers that nuclear energy is less harmful than fossil fuels. Japan and China consider nuclear energy beneficial because it does not create directory pollution or carbon dioxide.  On the contrary, the delegates agree that nuclear energy is expensive to build, has a higher risk of accidents, and there is still waste and radiation. 


The United States is going to sign the Paris agreements because of Joe Biden so they are going to include nuclear energy for sustainability. They will complement it with different renewable energy like solar and wind energy. 


Afterwards they discuss how the nuclear waste was going to be treated, because it is one of the most important drawbacks of the implementation of the nuclear plants. During this formal debate they discovered a solution with a single-cell organism. This single cell organism could help with the problem of nuclear waste disposal, because it had waste-eating properties (studied in The university of Manchester)


Lastly the idea of controlling the nuclear waste with that bacteria made every delegate agree with the use of it. Some delegates had a certain position of the use of nuclear power plants, but they were willing to investigate and share the discoveries of the advances of the bacteria with all the nations.

Day 1

Stem cell research and its implications

By: Mariana Orejuela

The next topic debated in The United Nations Commission on Science and Technology (UNCSTD) was the Stem cell research and its implications. The embryonic stem cells are obtained from the early stages of an inner mass cell of a human embryo. This stem-cell research consists of studying the properties of this cell to use for medicinal purposes. The stem-cell research can help with the treatments of some diseases, but on the downside, it raises ethical, cultural, and religious concerns. 


Most of the delegates recognize the idea that stem-cell research is an immense opening for medical and scientific advances. The China delegation acknowledges that embryos are still considered life, but they are not humans yet. The France delegation considers that an embryonic life starts at week eight when they are called a fetus. Moreover, France delegation won't allow the use of stem cells for cloning.  


The religious, cultural, and ethical considerations are still a huge part of this issue, for instance, the delegation of Australia criticizes that the other delegations are not taking into account the embryo's rights. So the majority of delegations preferred the idea to use donor stem cells. 


The delegation of China disputes the economy of these implications; making stem-cell more affordable for people, with a massive research investigation, so they normalize the idea of using these embryos, then that they have enough investigation they can be included in health care systems so the government pays for the treatments. 


Russia delegation addresses women's rights and how in Russia the woman has power over their bodies, but they still support the idea of stem cell research because it can help cure damage organs, Parkinson, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases, so the embryos would be donated for ethical reasons. 


The United States and United Kingdom delegates consider that the treatments using stem-cells should also be the choice of the person treated.



Simulation Day

Benefits of Technology Development 

By: Macarena Suso

The United nation commission on science and technology for development ensures the accomplishment of a sustainable development and future. During the last two centuries there have been rapid technological advancements where intelligent computing systems lead to the disappearing of millions of jobs. The committee will be discussing the effects of technological advances in both, social and economic issues, and how the SDGs might change after a mass wave of automation.


As the debate starts, there is a clear division between delegate’s ideas. India beliefs that technological advances benefits other countries and Spain agrees. On the other hand, the delegation of the Russian Federation believes that the technological improvement is relative, but automation disappears jobs. Countries, such as estonia, who’s economic state is good, seem to support automation and are less concerned by its effects. China’s economy is benefited by automation, therefore, it knows it causes but believes that technological development will create new jobs. In most cases, countries believe that although automation is a good form to innovate, the loss of jobs will negatively affect workers, specially the less educated ones. 


These countries, working paper 1.1, as a solution to the problem, suggest a regulation of the production in the UC. On the other hand, countries such as china and U.S.A, working paper 1.2, suggest as a solution to create an organized automation process and ensure conditions that are beneficial to everyone. Overall, there is a possibility that the solution applied to the problem is the 1.1.

Day 1

The use of genetic engineering for the alteration of physical traits in humans

By: Valeria Palacio Echeverri

The United Nations Commission on Science and Technology (UNCSTD) first topic is the use of genetic engineering for the alteration of physical traits in humans. The following topic is dedicated to Genetic engineering which refers to the direct manipulation of DNA to alter an organism's characteristics in a particular way.

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The majority of the delegations believe that while CRISPR may be necessary to cure certain evils, rigorous restrictive laws have to be placed upon it. If this motion becomes reality, the economic system is likely to improve even if it is abruptly risky. Russia’s delegation is in favor about this experiment become reality, “to ensure human improvement in the future,  for this reason this motion should be legal and carried out”. While on the other hand the Vatican is against this motion, this is clear and shown by the followed response to Russia’s delegation: “God created all people the same, so changing humans by genetic alterations is a sin and a disrespect for life that is attentive to our nature so this is why this must be illegal”. This session concludes with the division of four different primary blocks which all have different ideas and ways on how to deal with the emerging topic of genetic engineering on humans.

These countries, working paper 1.1, as a solution to the problem, suggest a regulation of the production in the UC. On the other hand, countries such as china and U.S.A, working paper 1.2, suggest as a solution to create an organized automation process and ensure conditions that are beneficial to everyone. Overall, there is a possibility that the solution applied to the problem is the 1.1.

Day 1

Day 3

 Global regulations of artificial intelligence in the armed forces

By: Valeria Palacio Echeverri

The United Nations Commission on Science and Technology (UNCSTD). The second topic is global regulations of artificial intelligence in the armed forces. The following topic is dedicated to the regulations of artificial intelligence in the armed forces which refers to Artificial intelligence (AI) is a quickly developing field of innovation with conceivably huge ramifications for national security. In that capacity, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and different countries are creating AI applications for a scope of military capacities.


The commission is divided into two blocks. The first one is headed by the UK and the USA, it believes that AI should be developed into the military, but with restrictions that limit its capability. The second block is headed by Russia and Baidu, it believes that AI should be adapted to the military with no restrictions. The main conflict in the commission is whether there should be restrictions for AI technological development in the military. A crisis was introduced which consisted of an illegal Russian drone, managed by artificial intelligence which went rogue and killed 73 people. The UK and the USA accused the Russian block of untrustworthiness. All nations now reconsider if AI technology should be developed. The Russian delegate apologized and then proposed a plan to control AI technology. The other block found that Russia cannot be trusted with AI technology. 

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