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Human Rights Council


Created due to the inhumane acts of WWII, the Human Rights Council encourages the protection and preservation of human rights around the globe. At the same time, this commission reviews and examines situations regarding civil rights 

The Official CCBMUN will be covering two topics, 'Ilegal imprisonment of Muslim people in China' and 'Human trafficking in Russia'

violations and seeking solutions to said situations. 



Topic 1: Ilegal imprisonment of Muslim people in China

Topic 2: Human trafficking in Russia


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President: Maria Antonia                              Botero

School: Colegio Colombo                           Británico

President: Camila Guevara  

School: Colegio Colombo                       Británico

The Human Rights Council was founded on March 15 2006 by the United Nations General Assembly. This commission has some of the most controversial topics, and some of the most intense debates, in middle school. The topics in this council have no limits, from all types of discrimination, to some of the most violent and degrading human crises around the world. By itself, this is one of the most important commissions of the UN. Most importantly, Human Rights are a way of unifying many countries and dignifying people's rights.


As a commission, our task will be addressing situations of human rights violation and proposing possible solutions for them. We are hoping to see the delegates develop their full potential and defend their delegation's position, while finding  solutions to  global issues.


Day 1

By: Mariana Orjuela 

The delegates of the Human Rights Council (HRC) as a first topic will discuss the violence against non-violent protesters in the United states. A non violent protest is a peaceful resistance avoiding harm and damage, even with these conditions police respond with violence in unnecessary situations. 

The delegate of Greece shared evidence of police brutality in a video taken in a United states protest, this videos helped 


The delegation of the United States is planning to come forward with this problem implementing new law enforcements for the police,  South Africa also is supporting the idea to  propose more solutions to prevent violence. Furthermore these delegations were supporting the idea to involve undercover police so they can intervene if  the protest is getting out of control. The delegate stated that if undercover police use weapons and violence the protest will increase violence, so Kenya reinforced this idea  by adding that police should not  recruit to violence but should recruit to peaceful methods, but if it comes to extreme cases they should be equipped with weapons. 


On another note, almost all the delegates were against police brutality and violence actions, the delegates were willing to adjust the propositions to guarantee solutions.

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Day 2

Penalization of Hate Speech

By: Mariana Orjuela 

The Human rights council for the second topic in the debate, the delegates discussed the penalization of hate speech. Hate speech is a kind of communication that uses pejorative and discriminatory language in reference to an individual or a group, this can be judging/attacking their faith, ethnicity, nationality, and who they are. 


Even if all the delegates considered that hate speech is unacceptable because increases the use of discrimination, some acknowledged that freedom of speech was more important. 

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The first amendment of the United States is freedom of speech, religion, and press, so the delegate pointed out that people have the right to state their opinion without being shut down, so they shouldn't be penalized for hate speech. 


Other delegations like Greece, Guatemala, South Africa, and including the United States, stated that hate speech can cause damage to a person's mental health. 


Guatemala delegation showed a video showing ex-President Donald Trump using hate speech, this opened the debate on how people with power communicate. 


The delegates were divided into two; the delegates of the United States and Brazil were in favor of not penalized hate speech. 


The other delegates were Greece, South Africa, Kenya, Lebanon, Guatemala, and the United Kingdom were in favor to penalize hate speech and supply mental health support to victims.

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Simulation Day

Can the situation in Somali be Solved?

By: Dalina Buitrago Sánchez  

Human rights violations of Somalian child soldiers will be the main topic of discussion in the simulation. Delegates will be sharing whether they disagree or agree with Somalian children being recruited for wars. Different possible solutions are going to be given by each country and they will discuss whether they are actually possible or not. 

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At the start of the debate, the delegate of Germany gave examples of other countries that recruit kids for wars, the delegate mentioned Colombia. Then, the delegate of Egypt recognized that, clearly, human rights are being violated by forcing children to participate in such things. After having a brief discussion, the delegate of Canada said, “what Somalia is doing should be prohibited because it is destroying children’s future.” Some of the rights that are being violated are the right of going to school and the right of safety. The delegate of Japan thinks it is a waste of time to try and help Somalia, because if they keep getting monetary resources and support they will only get more weapons and not really make any change. Another delegate suggests the same point, adding to this “they need a guide, not monetary help.” 

Al-shabab recruit children because they know they’re easier to convince into doing things. At this point, most delegates implied the same idea, to try and find a reasonable solution to this problem and not give monetary help. Delegation of Ukraine shared a delicate thought, saying that the delegation would not provide monetary resources but would provide better things like hospitals, schools and plenty of food. After the delegates went quiet for a while a crisis occurred, a supposedly recruited child to the war rushed in accusing the delegation of the United Kingdom of making him kill his parents,afterwards, the kid was not willing to answer any questions or suggestions. To this whole situation, the delegation of the United Kingdom responded, “delegates, do you really think what just happened was true? like, listen, do you really think that somebody that was looking for help would also deny receiving solutions and help?” 

Day 1

Day One: Human Rights Council

By: Dalina Buitrago Sánchez  

The delegates of the  Human Rights Council will be discussing agreements or disagreements on the situation such as the illegal imprisonment of Muslim migrants in China.

The delegation such as China defended the country by saying multiple opinions that the other delegates do not find very appealing, saying China is protecting the whole community.  Many of the delegations present today are muslims, for example Saudi Arabia. 

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United Kingdom gave a controversial fact. China only cares about trading, exporting, only products but nobody ever pays attention at how people’s rights are getting violated by being taken to concentration camps, getting forced to do things they don’t want or being punished until they die. 

Cameras are placed everywhere, privacy is violated, if women take more than 2 minutes in the bathroom they would get an electric shock at the back of their heads. Delegate of the United States made it clear by saying that these camps are called “re-education centers”. 

Allies and delegations against China made separate groups to discuss solutions for the situation in China. The situation is critical, the situation that involves China and the Muslim community. The delegates that are against and are in disagreement with China are concerned and are trying to find a solution to help and free the muslims. For the other side, of course the allies will be supporting ideas from China, they are acting like it is a serious mental issues but it is not. 

On another note, the debate was pretty much slow when coming to discussions, not many of the delegates had something to say and it happened to be more delegates against the country of China than actual allies.   


Day 3

Day Three: Human Rights Council

By: Dalina Buitrago Sánchez  

The debate started with the discussion of the draft resolutions of the past debate about the illegal imprisonment of Muslims in China. Points 1.1 being spoken by UK and USA, 1.2 being spoken by China and Russia. Both resolutions had some document issues and some wrong written stuff. 1.1 received only 9 votes against it, meanwhile 1.2 China and all the ones in favor failed to pass.


Delegates started by speaking about Russia, pointing out the problems, they all are trying to find a solution, a friendly solution, for human trafficking. UK started off by pointing out that the delegation is open to help in the most reasonable way. 

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Russia keeps defending the country by saying that they are aware of the problem and they have done everything that is on their hands to help solve it.

Most delegates are against this problem and know Russia is not doing much to help its own people. India intervened and shot a burning intervention against Ethiopia saying that the country should solve the trafficking and prostitution going on in their own place before saying the will help. How could they possibly help? 

Everyone in favor of the delegation of Russia has said that it is business, but there are other ways, and morally correct ways, to make money. USA suggested that Russia needs monetary help, and the reason for this is because of government dishonesty. 

Shortly after, a crisis was present. The president of USA, Donald Trump, showed up making a clear announcement. He wants to cut ties and any form of friendship with Russia. Made it clear that it is unacceptable to know what innocent people is going through in a recognized country like it is. 

When the debate calm down though, the presidents were asked to exit the room briefly, Juan Sebastián Cifuentes asked all of the delegates to give their personal opinions on the presidents of the commission.

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