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Special Political and Decolonisation Committee


The Official CCBMUNXVIII will be covering two topics, 'Israeli annexation of the West Bankand 'Overseas Development Aid as a facade for neocolonialism'

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Topic 1: Israeli annexation of the West Bank


Topic 2: Overseas Development Aid as a facade for neocolonialism


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President: Juan Pablo Hernández 

School: Colegio Colombo                           Británico

President: Alejandro Llanos 

School: Colegio Colombo                       Británico

Dear Delegates,


Created in 1945 under the United Nations Charter, the General Assembly is one of the six main organs of the UN. It comprises 193 member states and was established to provide a crucial forum for international negotiations and crisis resolution; thus it lacks the power to make demands and rather, recommends actions, sets standards, and initiates research. The Special Political and Decolonization Committee, better known as SPECPOL, is the United Nations General Assembly’s fourth main standing committee. Consequently, the commission deals with a broad range of political topics, such as peacekeeping and decolonization. Over the ensuing decades after its establishment, the committee has investigated issues such as refugees and human rights, outer space,  mine action, atomic radiation and public information.


SPECPOL’s agenda allows for its subject matter to be both highly interesting and varied. Hence, we expect our delegates to demonstrate an exceptional level of understanding regarding the topics through the exploitation of their debate and investigation skills. Additionally, you will be required to think critically in order to solve complex issues in the face of controversial stances. Most importantly, we encourage you to be an active participant, and to ask for help whenever needed, so that you may enjoy this experience as much as possible.



Day 1

Rising violence in Jerusalem between cultural groups

By: Julieta Erazo

​In the commission of SPECPOL, delegates debated the topic of  Israeli Annexation of the West Bank, the west bank is a territory in the Jordan river that was agreed to divide in pursuit of peace. This land is sectioned into three areas controlled by; area a: Palestinian Authority; Area B: both the Palestinian Authority and Israel; and Area C: Israel. The topic debated is the plan proposed by the  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu along with the Trump administration's that consist of annexing a part of the West Bank. This is a problem because many believe the acquisition of the territory by Israel would violate international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits the transfer of humans into a land occupied as a result of armed conflict. On the other hand, the violence here has increased displacement to and last month the United Nations experts expressed that this would break international law.

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During the debate, the topics pronounced were; Hamas which is designated as a terrorist organization by both the United States and the European Union, they also debated about the Israeli air and missile attacks, desolation and each of the delegates clarified their point of view. The presidents along with the secretary-general Mariana Ramírez had to interpret a delegation to light the debate. After a while, the chair brought a crisis that consisted of a Palestinian woman who lived in Jerusalem and was desolated and ended living in a Hamas territory where she ended up losing her daughter. The delegation will likely agree on a solution that will benefit most of them. â€‹

Day 2

Transparency behind foreign aid allocation

By: Julieta Erazo

Today, in the SPECPOL , yesterday's topic“Israeli Annexation of the West Bank”.  was continued. A territory in the Jordan river that was agreed to divide in pursuit of peace and the Problem here is the plan proposed by the  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu along with the Trump administration's and its effects, consequences. Delegations discussed the violating of laws such as international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention. 

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Today’s debate began with reading the working papers which were divided into 2 blocks. This working paper created a  lot of disagreements,  divisions between the delegate´s ideas stepped in that is why there was a time of debate. After a short debate, the delegation began to work on resolution papers divided into 2 blocks 1.1 spoken by the republic of China and state of Palestine where they manifest their concern towards the violence presented from Jewish to Palestine and the religious implication and repercussion on the territorial dispute.


On the other hand, the 1.2 being spoken by Israel defends his position with a press release where he said “ the discussions and solutions have to be in the context of the territory and not in others like human rights or religion” but clarify they should be taken into account for a background. Both resolutions had some document issues and some corrections. 1.1 received only 1 vote against, meanwhile 1.2 Israel failed to pass.


Finally, the commission passed to start the debate for the second topic “Overseas Development Aid as a facade for neocolonialism” during the debate the delegates would argue if altruism could be used as imperialist ambitions. This time in the commission there is not Israel or Palestine instead the delegations replaced were the United States and Russia. The commission will likely agree on a solution that will benefit most of them.

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